The Peters and May Round Antigua race was indeed a splendid match that took place between huge ocean greyhounds with an unexpected finish.

The race was seen as a battle that would make Vice Admiral Villeneuve and Lord Nelson proud of. It was indeed Scarlet Oyster of Ross Applebey that caught all the attention from behind for the victory of the race. It made the team achieve Peters and May trophy.
Applebey stated that although they were done with their start and were to go back, but they made it till the end. She strongly believes in participating in the Round Antigua Race. She is competitive enough to take part in the race and aims for victory. Also, she believes in improving performance from time to time to get to the top. It was a pleasure to win the race and is only the beginning for Applebey. There is a lot more to achieve. Continue reading “Scarlet Oyster Wins Antigua Race”