The call has revealed for entrants to be a part of the newly introduced Classic Yacht Class for ninth annual SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week. Vessels with time on their part and made for racing in an earlier time are advocated to join the meet that has a friendly and relaxed style. Often these boats are seen to be great examples of craftsmanship and tradition, whether they are old or belong to this modern age.
Denis Thompson said that there are no hard and fast regulations regarding qualification for Classic Yachts Class for the meet this year. A classic yacht is one which has probably been built and designed in a different time utilizing traditional construction materials.
Thompson stated that they believe that there are quite a few around including in Townsville and throughout North Queensland. They are attempting to encourage some of the older yachts which are there to enter. Those located as far a-field as Brisbane are also possible entrants. Continue reading “Magnetic Island Race to see classic yachts”